Price Optimization
Effective pricing strategy is the most important element of avoiding commoditization and capturing most value. Price optimization helps our clients to understand their customers’ price sensitivity and how it impacts demand.
What will a price optimization study tell me?
A price optimization study provides insight into:
The viable pricing corridor for solutions, including highest volume and highest margin points.
How willingness-to-pay can optimize product and feature configurations.
Avoiding commoditization and margin erosion through better value propositions.
Price optimization research solutions
We help clients to understand their optimal price strategy, whether focusing on capturing volume or margin. Our clients use pricing simulation to realize their strategic objectives, whether that is growing market share or maximizing returns. Our price optimization research solutions include demand simulation, price elasticity, Van Westendorp, Gabor-Granger, conjoint, pricing strategy, subscription pricing, and optimal bundling.
Example Use Cases
Value Realization
Optimize pricing to capture more value for products and services without harming overall demand.
Growth of market share
Understand the projected impact on market share through different pricing scenarios.
Product launch
Ensure that new products and solutions are priced most effectively, without leaving margin on the table or harming demand.
New Pricing Models
Transition to viable new pricing models such as service-based or subscription models.
How we help our clients
Customers & Decision-Making
Talk to us about your price optimization needs today
Nik Werk, Managing Director
+1 (615) 236-6404
Adam Jones, Executive Director